A judge ruled against Notre Dame professor Tamara Kay in her defamation lawsuit against the student newspaper, the Irish Rover.
The lawsuit was filed after the newspaper published articles revealing Kay’s promotion of abortion access, which contradicted Notre Dame’s stance against abortion.
The judge found the articles to be true, protected by free speech, and made in connection with a public issue. (Trending: GOP Rep. Mace Clashes Directly With Hunter Biden At Hearing)
Kay’s claims of harassment and property damage were not supported by the court, and the judge also upheld the newspaper’s headline and the accuracy of the quotes attributed to Kay.
“The Court concludes that the allegedly defamatory statements were made in the furtherance of the defendant’s right to free speech, were made in connection with a public issue, were made with good faith and with a reasonable basis in law and fact,” Judge Steven David wrote.
Kay said she “has been harassed, threatened, and experienced damage to her residential property” and “has suffered mentally and emotionally.” David, however, noted that Kay “has intentionally placed herself into the national discussion on abortion” after writing about “advocating abortion legalization.”
Kay had reportedly hung a sign which showed a “J” inside of a circle, which “denotes Notre Dame professors who are willing to help students access abortion.”
“This is a SAFE SPACE to get help and information on ALL Healthcare issues and access—confidentially with care and compassion,” the poster read.
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