A California sheriff criticized Gov. Gavin Newsom after a court blocked a law that would have banned concealed carry in public places.
The sheriff argued that the legislation reflects an “anti-gun ownership” agenda and is pro-criminal.
He emphasized the need for the governor to focus on rising crime rates and quality of life issues instead of pursuing restrictive gun policies. (Trending: Anthony Fauci Questioned About Evidence Behind COVID Restrictions)
The sheriff’s constituents express a desire for Newsom to resign, blaming him for policies that increase crime while limiting residents’ ability to protect themselves.
The sheriff also expressed concern about the state’s crime trajectory and the potential return of restrictive bills in the future, ultimately characterizing California as being negatively impacted by political agendas.
“It was definitely a relief because having that go into effect and the potential of what was going to possibly happen to law-abiding residents was really unacceptable,” Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said.
“The fact about everything we’re doing taking away the gun rights and ownership and the (carrying a concealed weapon) aspect of the whole thing — where you can carry and where you can’t — it flies in the face of what they do with criminals,” Bianco said.
“They have a very pro-criminal stance in California, and they have for years, all of the laws. Newsom’s goal is to close as many prisons as he can, to not prosecute and to not sentence anyone to state prison. They blame law enforcement. They blame society.”
“So, there’s never a personal responsibility on someone’s criminal behavior. It’s always someone else’s fault. And there is this agenda that is extremely pro-criminal in Sacramento.”
“They took the exact opposite stance for law-abiding residents here who have gone through background checks, who have proven over their lifetime that they’re good, law-abiding residents, to say that somehow or imply somehow that they’re a danger to the public when they have a gun out in public.”
“It’s very dishonest, and I think he needs to drop his gun agenda, his anti-2A agenda. And he needs to concentrate on the skyrocketing crime in California and the quality of life issues for the residents of California that are being destroyed by the policies that he is promoting.”
“People that would relate it to the governor are basically saying he should resign,” Bianco said.
“He is absolutely against residents. He does everything about destroying the quality of life in California by creating policies that increase crime that cause us to be in more danger when we are out in public. And yet he refuses to allow residents to protect themselves or to have the tools to protect themselves. So, really, they want him gone. They want him to resign.”
“He’s the governor of the state. He can do anything he wants. He can exert his political influence over the legislature to fix crime in California,” Bianco said.
“We know from history the past several years that all the horrible public safety bills they’ve tried to pass or that they tried to get through that didn’t make it. We know they’ll bring them back the next year with a little twist. And they’ll use the political off-season to gain allies and make promises to the people that wouldn’t vote for it before,” Bianco said.
“So, we know those horrible bills are coming back. So, we want to fight them. We have to be on guard.
“California, in my opinion, is the greatest state in the country, and we are, unfortunately, being ruined by a political agenda. And the reality of our country now is that the rest of the country knows that California is broken, and they know that he’s responsible for it,” Bianco added.
“The rest of the country does not want to be California, and we’ve become a laughingstock.”
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