Ben Shapiro criticized the direction of the Star Wars franchise under Disney’s Kathleen Kennedy, particularly with the announcement of a new woman director for the next movie.
He expressed dissatisfaction with the decision to hand over the series to Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, known for her nonfiction documentaries on feminism in Pakistan.
Shapiro argued that the franchise has been mishandled, citing the killing off of beloved characters and the introduction of less popular ones. (Trending: Fauci’s Ex-Boss Admits The Truth About COVID)
He suggested that Dave Filoni, known for his work on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, should lead the series instead.
Shapiro accused Disney of prioritizing equity over creating a good film and criticized Kennedy’s leadership, expressing disappointment in the direction of the franchise.
“I’m a huge Star Wars fan of the original series and even the prequel series, which has grown on me over time, especially in comparison to the garbage that has been churned out by Disney,” Shapiro said.
“Disney has done a couple of things that are right, like the stuff that Dave Filoni (the exec producer of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels) is doing over there. That’s good stuff.”
“Star Wars: Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels is stuff my kids typically like.”
“But Kathleen Kennedy has just destroyed the series,” he said.
“Star Wars is one of the great IPRs in all of human history, tens of billions of dollars worth of IP. And they’ve now decided to turn over the universe to a person named Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy. So who exactly is this person?”
“She’s mostly famous for having made a couple of nonfiction documentaries that won Oscars about feminism and anti-feminism in Pakistan, which is fine, but what does that have to do with Star Wars?” he pressed. Shapiro pointed out that Obaid-Chinoy was a Miss Marvel director. “No one watched … no one wanted to watch and no one cared.”
“They’ve decided to put her in charge of the next Star Wars movie, which will focus in on Rey,” he said.
“You remember Rey? Or maybe you don’t. She is the star of the last Star Wars trilogy in which they killed off all the characters you love in favor of characters that no one gave any hoots about whatsoever.”
“No one has said the name Poe Dameron in years because no one cares. No one cares about Finn, and barely anyone cares about Rey.”
“So they got rid of all your old favorites or they killed off on uselessly and stupidly. And then they killed off Luke uselessly and stupidly,” he added.
“And then they killed off Leia uselessly and stupidly. And then they added … characters like Rose, an awful character who annoyed everyone so much that they literally wrote her out of the third movie, ‘The Rise of Skywalker.’”
“Dave Filoni actually likes the series. Dave Filoni actually likes the characters. Dave Filoni actually understands what he’s doing in the Star Wars universe and what the universe is all about.”
“Instead, Kathleen Kennedy has hired this documentary filmmaker about the women in Pakistan. Also, she was the first artist to co-chair the World Economic Forum in 2017,” he said.
“You know, I’m very thrilled about the project because I think what we are about to create is something very special. And we are in 2024 now, and I think it’s about time that we had a woman come forward to shape the story in a galaxy far, far away,” Obaid-Chinoy said.
“You had a woman who shaped all the stories in the galaxy far, far away. Her name is Kathleen Kennedy, and she sucks. She’s awful,” Shapiro said. “In any fair universe, she would have been fired.”
“We don’t need a woman waiting to be saved by a man,” Shapiro added.
“Equity is the only thing that matters. Equity, equity, equity. We need a woman directing. How about you just make a good Star Wars film? What do you guys do for a living?”
“The answer is they please themselves,” Shapiro said.
“They please themselves on the stakeholder dime. That’s what they do because they like stakeholder capitalism. The World Economic Forum preaches it, after all … everyone in the world can be changed by entertainment.”
“That’s why you hire directors who have no history of directing anything good in this sphere and then decide that the way that you’re going to do this is by putting them in charge of the single most lucrative IP in probably all of human history,” he said.
“So slow clap for Kathleen Kennedy. She’s done it once again,” he added.
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