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Poll Finds Voters Say Trump Wants ‘Revenge’ in Second Term

via NBC News
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A recent survey by JLPartnersPolls/DailyMail found that “revenge” is one of the top words likely voters believe former President Donald Trump wants to achieve in a second term.

The survey asked respondents to describe what Trump and Joe Biden most want to achieve in a second term using one word.

The top words for Trump varied among political groups, with Republicans choosing “America,” “economy,” and “revenge” as their top words, while independents and Democrats also cited “revenge” as a top word. (Trending: Transgender Actor ‘Purposefully Misgendered’ By Airline Employee)

In contrast, the top word for Biden across all parties is “nothing,” with “economy” standing out as the biggest word among Democrats.

The survey also comes amidst legal battles Trump is facing, including a ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court deeming him ineligible to appear on the ballot due to alleged violations of the Constitution’s “Insurrection Clause.”

“We consider and reject President Trump’s argument that his speech on January 6 was protected by the First Amendment,” ruled the Colorado Supreme Court.

Additionally, Maine’s Secretary of State has also made a decision regarding Trump’s eligibility on the state’s ballot, pending a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court.

Colorado’s Secretary of State, Jena Griswold’s office wrote in a statement, “With the appeal filed, Donald Trump will be included as a candidate on Colorado’s 2024 Presidential Primary Ballot when certification occurs on January 5, 2024, unless the US Supreme Court declines to take the case or otherwise affirms the Colorado Supreme Court ruling.”

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