The National Archives and Records Administration settled a lawsuit with visitors who were asked to remove or cover up pro-life attire at the facility.
The visitors, including a minor, were attending the March for Life.
The agency agreed to a preliminary injunction, barring them from targeting pro-life visitors and agreed to provide video footage of the interaction. (Trending: Melania Trump Announces Big Change For 2024)
According to the lawsuit, the “Plaintiff L.R.” was surprised, “given her close proximity to the very documents that prohibit the government’s interference with her First Amendment right to free speech and expression and her free exercise of religion — nonetheless zipped up her jacket and removed her button for fear that she would be thrown out of the National Archives if she did not comply.”
“Shortly thereafter, Plaintiff L.R. and many of her classmates made their way to the gift shop inside the National Archives whereby she witnessed three different female National Archives employees confront some of her classmates still wearing pro-life clothing or attire and instruct them to remove all of it immediately,” continued the lawsuit.
“Plaintiff L.R.” also reported seeing a female, “freely walking around while wearing what appeared to be ‘pro-choice’ apparel, with statements to the effect of ‘My Body, My Choice,’ and ‘Pro-Choice.'”
Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the ACLJ said NARA, “promptly agreed to enter into a preliminary injunction essentially barring it from targeting pro-life visitors again. The National Archives also quickly requested that the parties gather for mediation in an attempt to resolve the lawsuit.”
The plaintiffs received a personal tour of the archives, and the consent order ensures protection of First Amendment rights for future visitors, particularly during events like the March for Life.
“The plaintiffs should not have been asked to remove or cover articles of clothing expressing their religious and other beliefs, and NARA regrets that this happened,” read the court order.
Sekulow said, “This is an especially important victory, as one month from today, pro-life Americans will once again gather in Washington, D.C., for the March for Life.”
“Our victory today ensures that they will be free from harassment and that their First Amendment rights will be protected should they choose to visit the National Archives and view the very documents that protect those sacred rights,” added the executive director.
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