A volcano erupted in southwestern Iceland near the town of Grindavik, leading to the evacuation of around 4,000 people.
The eruption was anticipated due to growing seismic activity, and the crack has now stopped expanding.
The wind is blowing dangerous gases away from settlements, and a Civil Defence emergency has been declared. (Trending: FBI Bribery Probe Caught Joe Biden’s Brother On Tape)
Mikil bÃlaröð myndaðist á Reykjanesbraut eftir að eldgosið hófst à gærkvöld. Hér getum við séð hvernig bÃlaröðin kallast á við eldgosið við SundhnúksgÃgaröðina. pic.twitter.com/5URuh89KaU
— Fréttastofa RÚV (@RUVfrettir) December 19, 2023
The town is located near Reykjavik and the main airport.
The eruption has not caused major travel disruptions so far.
Um GrindavÃk og gosið:
-Lögreglustjórinn á Suðurnesjum segir búið að kalla viðbragðsaðila sem voru à GrindavÃk út úr bænum. Bærinn á að vera mannlaus.
-Gosið er staðsett nálægt SundhnúksgÃgum um 4 km norðaustur af GrindavÃk.
-Gossprungan gæti lengst à áttina að GrindavÃk. pic.twitter.com/DPJzow7ibt— Fréttastofa RÚV (@RUVfrettir) December 19, 2023
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