Argentine Defense Minister Luis Petri announced the new administration’s plan to ban leftist “inclusive” language in the military, citing the need to uphold military language and discipline.
He alleges that inclusive language seeks to alter Spanish’s gender functionality, which has been frowned upon by the Royal Spanish Academy.
Petri also highlighted the need to reorganize and strengthen the military to combat potential threats, such as terrorism and cyber-attacks. (Trending: FBI Bribery Probe Caught Joe Biden’s Brother On Tape)
Lo que se define equivocadamente como lenguaje inclusivo debe ser prohibido en las escuelas de todo el país.
Es lisa y llanamente la destrucción del lenguaje con fines políticos.
La escuela tiene por finalidad enseñar y aprender, no adoctrinar.— Luis Petri (@luispetri) June 13, 2022
“Some even spoke with inclusive language. We are going to prohibit the use, for example, of inclusive language within the armed forces — it cannot be,” Petri said.
“There is a military language that has to be complied with and there have been advances in the rules of discipline and the normal language that clearly end up degrading and making the armed forces regress.”
“Because they are military forces, I mean, and to be forced to speak in a certain language is not appropriate for the military discipline that should exist, and this is without any kind of bias,” he added.
“We have to be prepared to combat terrorism and cyber-attacks. We have to give the Armed Forces a framework so they can act against those threats. Until recently, they could not honor their dead,” Petri said.
This announcement is part of several planned reforms under the new defense minister, aiming to address the military’s current state and its capability to respond to national security threats.
“What is wrongly defined as inclusive language should be banned in schools across the country,” Petri wrote online previously.
“It is simply the destruction of language for political purposes. The purpose of school is to teach and learn, not to indoctrinate.”
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