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Movie Trailer Sparks Anger For Saying ‘White People’ Are Most Dangerous Animal

via movie trailier of 'The American Society of Magical Negroes'
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The film trailer for “The American Society of Magical Negroes” by Focus Features was criticized for its portrayal of a secret society of Black people who dedicate their lives to making White people’s lives easier.

The film satirizes the trope of a “magical negro” and shows the protagonist using magical powers to help a White man become happy, leading to criticism on social media.

“What’s the most dangerous animal on the planet?” tutor Roger asks. (Trending: Ousted Democrat Who Filmed Explicit Tape Blames Homophobia)

“Sharks,” Aren says.

“White people,” Roger answers, “when they feel uncomfortable. White people feeling uncomfortable precedes a lot of bad stuff for us.”

“That’s why we fight White discomfort every day, because the happier they are, the safer we are.”

“I’ve always felt like it’s my job to make White people feel comfortable, and here it literally is, but maybe it shouldn’t be,” Aren says elsewhere in the trailer.

Critics quickly jumped on the trailer, bashing the absurdity of the film.

“It looks like the Harry Potter for Woke racists,” MythinformedMKE posted.

“The thing that’s going to do wokeness in is how cringe it is. We should almost be thanking Hollywood and the media at this point,” filmmaker Robby Starbuck wrote.

“As they become more cringe with this racist, woke BS, more people wake up and search out alternatives.”

“Only lunatics would want this.”

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