The Satanic Temple plans to launch an after-school program at an elementary school near Memphis, sparking controversy.
The program, called the After School Satan Club, emphasizes a non-theistic approach and aims to provide an alternative to religious clubs like the Good News Club.
“The Satanic Temple supports children to think for themselves,” a flyer noted. (Trending: Joe Biden Impeachment Formalized As Republicans Unite)
Please see this statement from Memphis-Shelby County Schools regarding the recent approval of a facility rental at Chimneyrock Elementary
— Memphis-Shelby Co. Schools (@MSCSK12) December 12, 2023
“All After School Satan Clubs are based on activities centered around the Seven Fundamental Tenets and emphasize a scientific, rationalist, non-superstitious worldview.”
“The Satanic Temple is not interested in operating After School Satan Clubs in school districts that are not already hosting the Good News Club,” their website reads.
“However, The Satanic Temple ultimately intends to have After School Satan Clubs operating in every school district where the Good News Club is represented.”
The school district defended the club’s access to the campus as a First Amendment right and noted that the Satanic Temple is recognized as a public nonprofit charity by the IRS.
“[W]e cannot approve or deny a request based solely on the organization’s viewpoints or beliefs,” said MSCS.
The Satanic Temple’s intention to have clubs in districts with the Good News Club could lead to potential lawsuits for districts that reject it.
The district’s interim superintendent emphasized support for the Constitution and state law while addressing the controversy.
“Let’s not be fooled. What we’ve seen in the past 24 hours is an agenda initiated to ensure that we cancel all faith-based organizations that partner with our school district. Because the law says what you do for one organization, you must do for all,” said MSCS interim superintendent Toni Williams.
“This is the religion in school that you wanted,” said Satanic Temple member Kayla Sparks.
“You probably never even considered the possibility of a satanic organization coming in, did you?”
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