The city of Chicago is reportedly paying high rent prices for buildings used to house illegal border crossers, with developers reaping huge rewards.
The city is also providing significant rental assistance and various free services to migrants, leading to frustration among some members of the black community who feel their neighborhoods are being neglected.
Chicago activists have expressed outrage and are calling for accountability from the Democratic leadership. (Trending: Democrat Excludes White People From Holiday Party In Controversial Email)
Wow! Three black voices Democrats really don’t want you to hear! Listen to Pastor Dave Lowery, community activist, Mark Carter, and veteran and Chicago Republican, Devin Jones.
What an incredible trip, exposing what Joe Biden and the Democrats have done to the once great city…
— Ben Bergquam – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam) December 12, 2023
“The borders have been opened and now we have all these people inundated Chicago, and these people are living tax free, off taxpayer dollars and our own citizens are sleeping [in the streets] and don’t have anywhere to go,” Pastor Dave Lowery said.
“The American people and patriots across America should be outraged, and we should be holding these Democrats accountable for the actions they’ve taken against this country,” and added that “Trump was good for the black community.”
“And by the way, Democrats… you will not come to Chicago and you will not celebrate the things that you’ve done and spit in the black community’s face.”
“We will boycott that convention and let the Democratic Party know, no longer are we going to sit back and watch you destroy our communities and destroy this country.
They are also planning to boycott the Democratic National Convention set to be held in Chicago.
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