Hunter Biden skipped a congressional subpoena to hold a press conference, portraying himself as a victim and denying his father’s involvement in his business.
However, recent testimony from IRS whistleblowers implicates Joe Biden in illegal conduct.
Democrats’ attempts to dismiss the evidence were refuted, and there are indications of Joe’s involvement in Hunter’s business dealings with foreign entities. (Trending: Joe Biden Impeachment Formalized As Republicans Unite)
The testimony presents compelling evidence, challenging the Bidens’ denials.
“I’m here. I’m ready,” Hunter Biden said before leaving.
“MAGA Republicans ridiculed my struggle with addiction. They belittled my recovery and they have tried to dehumanize me, all to embarrass and damage my father who has devoted his entire life to service,” Hunter stated later.
“There’s no evidence to support the allegations that my father was financially involved in my business,” he pressed.
“My father was not financially involved in my business.”
This statement was a shift from previous claims by the family.
Joe Biden previously said, “I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period.”
Later on, they stated, “The president was never in business with his son,” and most recently they are arguing he “was not financially involved in [Hunter’s] business.”
During the testimony, Rep. Terri Sewell asked whistleblowers whether there was evidence “that directly prove[s] that Joe Biden has done something illegal, yes or no?”
Gary Shapley said, “There is evidence that exists.”
Sewell, surprised, said, “I just — it is yes or no.”
“Yes, there is,” Shapley pressed.
“Please show me the direct evidence . . . that actually proves that Joe Biden did something unlawful, illegal,” Sewell said to Joseph Ziegler.
“So in exhibit 1I, Hunter Biden states in his email that his original agreement –” he began.
Sewell cut in, but Ziegler went on, citing three separate pieces of evidence.
“So those things altogether, when you put them all together, I mean it says a lot. [They] are kind of painting a picture. [But] We were never able to go down those investigative routes,” he said.
“There was a belief in the investigation that James [Jim] Biden was a cover for Joe Biden,” he added.
“There was nothing to verify that they were loans,” Ziegler later said in regard to $240,000 that Jim Biden sent to Joe.
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