Rep. Jamie Raskin accused former President Donald Trump of using anti-Semitic rhetoric by praising Israel and treating American Jews as visiting Israelis.
He criticized Rep. Elise Stefanik for not addressing Trump’s alleged anti-Semitic behavior, despite her portrayal as a champion of Jews.
Additionally, in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Raskin highlighted Trump’s repeated use of anti-Semitic tropes and his failure to denounce anti-Semitic incidents, such as the Charlottesville rally. (Trending: Kid Rock Rages Against ‘Woke’ Target)
“I always find that so strange whenever anyone questions anyone aligned with Donald Trump about his flirtation with anti-Semites, they immediately start talking about Jerusalem,” said CNN’s Jake Tapper.
“I don’t live in Israel, I live in Washington, D.C. Why are you bringing up a foreign country?”
“I understand it’s a Jewish country but that’s like talking to a Catholic whose upset about discrimination against Catholics and talking about how you’ve been to Rome.”
“It has nothing to do with what we are talking about.”
“You’ve got it, in fact Donald Trump is someone who constantly repeats that anti-Semitic trope and fallacy,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said.
“He several times had different Republican Jewish groups come to the White House and he inevitably said stuff like well, you people have a great country, we love your country.”
“And you have a great prime minister. He treats American Jews like visiting Israelis, which partakes obviously of anti-Semitic myths about dual loyalty, and so on.”
“The issue with Elise Stefanik is while she is posing as a great champion of the Jews and opponent of anti-Semitism on campus, and for college presidents, she won’t say about presidential anti-Semitism when it comes to the White House, the real president of the United States and that of course is a much greater threat to Jews in America where you have Donald Trump who says things like they are very fine people on both sides of an anti-Semitic race riot called by neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia.”
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