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New Axis Of Evil Forms Right Under Biden’s Nose

via PBS NewsHour
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China has become the first country to formally accept a Taliban ambassador, despite the Taliban being considered a terrorist organization by many.

The Chinese Communist Party has been at the forefront of legitimizing the Taliban, enabling business investments with Taliban entities.

China has shown interest in exploiting Afghanistan’s mineral wealth and investing in industries such as agriculture. (Trending: Hunter Biden Indicted on 9 New Criminal Charges)

Hong Lei, the Chinese official that presides over the formal logistics of accepting ambassadors said, “China respects the national sovereignty and the decisions of the people of Afghanistan.”

“It does not interfere in the internal Afghan affairs, nor has it done so in the past,” added the official.

“Assuring the Chinese side that Afghanistan does not pose a threat to anyone from it’s territory, Mr. Karimi outlined that regional stability & security is in the interest of all,” wrote Taliban officials in response.

The group celebrated, “China’s positive & non-interference policy”, calling them a “good neighbor of Afghanistan.”

“China believes that Afghanistan should not be excluded from the international community,” said, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.

Wang expressed anticipation of “diplomatic recognition of the Afghan government [the Taliban] will come naturally as the concerns of various parties are effectively addressed.”

According to the Chinese state-run Global Times newspaper, “As the largest neighbor of Afghanistan, China is a vigorous partner for the war-battered country to get its economy back on track, given China’s experience and capability in related areas, such as agriculture and industrial infrastructure.”

The Taliban has sought Chinese investment, disregarding China’s ongoing genocide of Muslims in East Turkistan.

Despite concerns about the Taliban’s human rights abuses, China has encouraged other countries to follow its lead in accepting the Taliban as a legitimate government.

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