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Democrats Worried: GOP May Close Biden’s Open Border

via 60 Minutes
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Business lobbies and progressive allies are concerned that Republicans may use their voting power to limit President Biden’s influx of illegal migrants.

Republicans are setting terms for negotiations, and Democrats are being criticized for not fighting for their long-time priorities.

The Democrats feel they are negotiating border and asylum policies with a party that promotes white nationalist conspiracy theories. (Trending: Another Major Company Goes Woke And Goes Broke)

“These border negotiations are politically alarming,” said lobbyist Andrea Flores.

“Republicans are demanding that presidential parole authority be scaled back … [which is] an absurd demand,” said Greg Sargent.

The GOP is pressing for border security, and Republicans have leverage in negotiations over migration rules.

The Democrats are also under pressure due to the unpopularity of mass migration and the growing antisemitism fueled by their support for immigration.

McConnell is rejecting the Democrats’ claim that the GOP push for border security endangers global democracy and peace.

“Border security is national security,” GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said.

“It’s a fact of human history … the Hamas terrorists who rule Gaza violated sovereign borders on their way to slaughtering 1,200 Israelis and taking hundreds more hostage … China, for its part, is also keenly focused on challenging borders.”

“The PRC has used force in an attempt to gain the upper hand along its border with India.”

“What’s dangerous is defending open borders and a broken asylum and parole system even at the risk of urgent assistance to our partners in Ukraine, Israel, and Asia,” said McConnell.

“If we fail to uphold this basic, fundamental responsibility, America and our friends around the world will pay dearly.”

“In terms of the politics of these three issues, the Democrats involved in the talks seem resigned to accepting a revised asylum threshold, deeply hostile to meddling with parole authority and somewhere in the middle on safe third countries,” Politico wrote.

“Advocates and lawmakers are sounding alarms,” Politico added.

“For immigration reform advocates, it means their longtime [pro-migration] priorities have been traded away and replaced with Biden’s foreign aid priorities.”

The Republicans are supporting a comprehensive migration stabilization bill, and they are demanding curbs on Biden’s use of the parole border loophole.

Mayorkas’ migration policies have resulted in a massive inflow of migrants seeking U.S. jobs and housing, and he is using loopholes to accelerate the inflow of chain migrants.

The result is a colossal transfer of wealth from ordinary Americans to migrants, CEOs, and investors.

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