Some Democratic lawmakers are reportedly willing to sacrifice Hunter Biden for political expediency as he prepares to testify before the House Oversight Committee.
Hunter Biden’s team is concerned about the lack of support from fellow Democrats, while some White House staffers are irritated by his aggressive strategy.
“Intentionally or not, they’re betting on the political expediency of sacrificing Hunter,” an acquaintance of Hunter’s noted. (Trending: Chilling Surveillance Program Under Biden Exposed)
This is a tactic to skirt accountability by Hunter Biden and his legal team. Hunter doesn’t want to answer directed and sustained questioning, and would benefit greatly from avoiding the deposition all together. It’s time to find out if justice is blind in this country.
— Matt Whitaker 🇺🇸 (@MattWhitaker46) November 30, 2023
“The greater good is served by accountability and vindication, and not by acquiescence to political prosecution and the effort to dehumanize him,” they added.
Despite criticism from some Democrats, Hunter Biden has offered to testify publicly and demanded transparency in the proceedings.
“Hunter Biden keeps his father aware of his legal moves, according to a person close to his legal team, and the team sends word to top White House staff before making major moves. The moves themselves are entirely up to Hunter Biden and his lawyers — and that’s as it should be, aides emphasize, because the president has vowed to stay out of his son’s legal affairs,” Politico wrote.
“We have seen you use closed door sessions to manipulate, even distort the facts and misinform the public. We therefore propose opening the door,” Hunter’s lawyer Abbe Lowell wrote.
“If, as you claim, your efforts are important and involve issues that Americans should know about, then let light shine on the proceedings.”
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