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Alyssa Farah Griffin: Women’s Groups Silence on Hamas Sex Crimes Devastating

via PBS
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Alyssa Farah Griffin expressed her devastation over the silence of women’s groups regarding Hamas using rape as an act of war against Israeli women.

She criticized major women’s groups, the United Nations, and the MeToo movement for not denouncing the use of sexual violence in the conflict.

“I am still devastated. We’re two months since this war has been underway, by silence from women’s groups in this country about rape being used as an act of war in this attack,” Griffin said. (Trending: Chilling Surveillance Program Under Biden Exposed)

“The fact that sexual violence was used against Israeli women and the major women’s groups in this country have not come out and denounced it.”

“This weekend, Sheryl Sandberg put out a gripping video calling for it.”

“That violates every rule of warfare. It is the height of immorality and the fact that the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment has been silent, the U.N. Committee on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women has been silent, and the international MeToo movement has been silent.”

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg emphasized the urgency of ending the conflict and finding a way for people to live together on the land to prevent further suffering.

“I know that this is really hard for people to sit still with,” Goldberg added.

“So, right now, we’re glad people are coming out, and that’s what we’re going to keep talking about because we want to encourage that. The bottom line truly is this: You don’t have a choice; you have to end this because, at some point, it’s going to dawn on everybody there that no one’s leaving.”

“No one’s leaving the land, so the question has to become, how do we live together on this land? That is all that people should be thinking about so that this does not continue to happen.”

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