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Shocking Videos Of Democrats Ballot Stuffing

via CBS
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A judge has ordered a new Democratic mayoral primary in Bridgeport, Connecticut, after surveillance videos showed city officials mishandling and improperly placing numerous ballots into a drop box, violating state election law.

The judge ruled that the counting of these mishandled ballots was a mistake, making it impossible to determine the true result of the primary.

The city employee and former councilwoman involved were seen actively placing ballots into the box and handling stacks of ballots.

The judge labeled their actions as conscious acts with a partisan purpose.

“Therefore, the counting of any ballots that were mishandled in violation of state law and placed into drop boxes by Ms. Geter-Pataky, Ms. Martinez, and others, was a mistake in the vote count. Given the volume of votes at issue, the miscounting of those statutorily invalid votes leaves this court unable to determine the result of the primary,” the judge wrote.

“These instances do not appear to be random. They appear to be conscious acts with a partisan purpose that violates the mandatory requirements of how absentee ballots are supposed to be handled or delivered,” Clark said.

If the challenger wins in the upcoming general election, the new primary would be unnecessary, but if the incumbent wins, another Democratic primary would be held.

“Our campaign always believed that the integrity of our democratic process must be upheld and Superior Court Judge William Clark agreed,” candidate John Gomes stated.

Connecticut Secretary of State and Republican leaders supported the court’s decision, emphasizing the need to protect the integrity of elections.

“We’re pleased Judge Clark is protecting the integrity of our elections by ordering a new Primary Election,” Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas said. “Per the Court’s decision, the Secretary of the State’s office will confer with the mayoral candidate campaigns, elections officials in Bridgeport, and other officials to determine the date of the new Primary within 10 days.”

“These videos confirm our fears about how absentee ballots can be misused. Now the court has spoken,” Senate Minority Leader Kevin Kelly said. “What we need now is trust, faith and confidence in our electoral system.”

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